As the results of the test weren't very good in general we will do a short grammar test on Wednesday.
You have to study the same tenses we studied for the previous test. I will send you by email the short summary I published in the grammar section so you can also read it in PDF at home.
Tomorrow we will do the first KET Reading and writing simulacro. I will also send it to you by email.
See you tomorrow
On Monday you have the first English test.
You need to study:
- Grammar: Present simple, Present continuous, past simple, future (will/going to) and Present Perfect ( remember time words such as yet, already and since/for and never/ever.
- Vocabulary: Back to school unit (pg 4) Treasure (pg 10), education and clothes from the blog.
* You have all you need to know in the worksheets and in the vocabulary and grammar sections of the blog
In 6A they had to copy the words down in their noteboks and write down the definitions of the words they didn't know when we started the lesson. The image hasn't been available today so i've uploaded it again. I will also send it to you to your email just in case.
You have until Tuesday to do it.
See you tomorrow